If you have an abscessed or cracked tooth, gentle root canal treatment ensures the best long-term outcome for your smile. At Dimmitt Dental, Dr. Jacob Woods provides in-house endodontic services to help our patients treat the source of their tooth pain and avoid unnecessary dental extractions.

guy smiling outside showing off his smile

Why Root Canal Treatment is Needed

In most cases, dental restorations like fillings or crowns repair the outer layers of a tooth structure. But when the nerve inside of a tooth becomes involved, the pulp tissues can abscess or cause the tooth to deteriorate from the inside. By removing the damaged or infected nerve and sealing off the tooth, we can prevent additional structural damage and preserve the tooth for several more years. Performing a root canal helps you retain your natural teeth for longer, eliminating the complications of tooth loss or chronic dental abscesses, which may sometimes be life-threatening. 

Your comfort is of utmost importance to us. We’ll take steps to ensure you feel at ease throughout the treatment. Our goal is to provide a painless root canal experience; if you prefer, we can also arrange to have your treatment completed under sedation. 

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you're experiencing severe tooth pain or sensitivity, or suspect you need a root canal, don't hesitate to call Dimmitt Dental. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions and help you create a smile plan that puts your priorities first. Contact us today. 

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